I want to share with you everything I wish I once knew while learning Calligraphy!
I'm the type that wants a one-stop shop for knowledge. I wanted to know everything but didn't want to have to search all over to find it. I am creating courses FOR YOU, all in one place!
This is where I started in 2017
Calligraphy started out as a hobby for me. It was something I had seen but never thought I could be "good enough." Have you ever had that thought? What I didn't realize is that I was comparing my Chapter 1 to someone else's Chapter 23. You can do it! I promise!

This is where I am today.
With consistent practice and dedication I promise you can get to where you want to be in your calligraphy journey! The hardest part is to "JUST START!"
I like to think of myself as a creative lettering artist. I love going outside the box and finding new techniques I can use to expand my calligraphy skillset!
Sign up now for your FREE Calligraphy Basics Course
Over one hour of material jam packed into this free course! I set you up with a great foundation to start building your calligraphy skills!
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