Calligraphy for Beginners
The exact secrets I use to keep my calligraphy consistent! I break down each letter for you so you can easily remember how to write each letter.
Are you a beginner wanting to know more about Calligraphy?
If yes, then this is perfect for you! I teach you everything I wish I knew as a beginner. I break down each letter with two uppercase styles and one lowercase style with a few extras. I understand how difficult it can be when you are first learning. A few questions I used to ask myself when I was first starting.
- What are the basic strokes?
- What are these thin upstrokes and thick downstrokes?
- Where do I even start?
- Why does my lettering not look right?
- Isn't there any easier way to remember these things?
- When do I pick up my pen?
If you are asking yourself any of these questions, this course is FOR YOU!

Over 4 Hours of Instruction!
- I break down each and every letter for you, and then we put them together to form words.
- You learn my 3 Secrets to Consistency with my lettering
- 3 Beginner Projects are Included - I walk you through them step by step
- Ways to add character and make your lettering style unique
- Lifetime access to this course and any updates to the course

Over 200 Worksheets Included (Digital)
- The cost of these worksheets would equate to half the cost of this course!
- Worksheets with 2 Uppercase Styles and 1 Lowercase style for Small Brush Pens (Similar to what we use in this course)
- The same style worksheets but in the Large Brush Version so you can use them with larger pens like Karin Markers
- Numbers Worksheets
- Practice Drills

Access to Private Facebook Group
- You will get direct feedback from me
- Communication with multiple other members learning calligraphy too
- Answers to your own calligraphy/lettering questions
- First access to any new courses that come out
- Lifetime access to the course and a supportive lettering community who will only bring positivity into your life
This is where I started in 2017
I struggled, I had no idea where to start. I had such a passion for it but I didn't want to search all over the place to find all my answers.

This is where I am today.
I promise you, with the right knowledge you can get to where I am today. It takes practice and dedication, but it also takes the courage to ask questions when you need to. I don't want you to feel like anyone will shut you out, or that you are asking a "dumb" question. I AM HERE FOR YOU. If you are serious about improving your skill, this is the course for you.
Sign up now for your Calligraphy for Beginners Course
Are you ready to start improving?
Still not sure if this course is for you?
I will lay out the exact format of the course, just for you! There are a total of 30 lessons. I break them down into what makes sense. This is so it's easy to refer back to it whenever you need to. Need to refer back to a certain letter? No problem, I leave the time stamps for EACH letter for easy reference.
- Introduction:
- Welcome Intro 5:13
- Materials
- Bonus Materials
- The Fundamentals
- What is a Brush Pen? 7:55
- Review of the Basic Strokes 10:53
- 3 Key Elements of Consistency (My Secrets) 14:36
- Lowercase Letters
- a-e 16:09
- f-k 19:00
- l-p 19:15
- q-u 20:55
- v-z 16:29
- Putting it All Together - Lowercase 27:47
- Uppercase Letters
- A-E 16:09
- F-K 16:59
- L-P 13:53
- Q-U 13:23
- V-Z 11:24
- Putting it All Together - Uppercase 20:00
- Adding Character - Make It Your Own
- Entrance/exit Stroke 4:53
- Angle of Descending Loop 1:52
- Embellishing i 1:55
- Crossing T's 6:47
- TH Connection 4:24
- Cap A Letter 9:58
- Get Loopy! 3:55
- Projects:
- Materials for Projects
- Project 1- Sunset Background 18:52
- Project 2-Ombre Letter 7:28
- Project 3 - Bookmark 8:52
- Conclusion
- Closing 2:08
This is over 4 hours of jam packed material, plus over 200 Worksheets to go along with the course.
Bonus Worksheets!
Over 190 pages of worksheets for you. In both PDF and JPEG Version (For IPad)
- Large Brush Pen Worksheets Include:
- 2 Sets of Uppercase Alphabet Letters
- 1 Set of Lowercase Letters
- Basic Stroke Drills
- Numbers
- Blank Practice Guides
- Small Brush Pen Worksheets Include:
- 2 Sets of Uppercase Alphabet Letters
- 1 Set of Lowercase Letters
- Basic Stroke Drills
- Numbers
- Blank Practice Guides
These are all digital worksheets. No physical product will be sent!
The price of both of these Worksheet Sets combined is worth almost half the cost of the course!

More Bonus Worksheets!
Everyone needs a little positivity in their lives! I've included my 104 Motivational Words Lettering Worksheets.
- 4 Words for each letter of the alphabet (104 total words)
- for use with medium or large brush pens
- use tracing paper to trace right over the worksheets!
(These are digital worksheets)

See what people are saying about the course...
Sara W.
"I've only watched the first 3 videos and I've already noticed a huge difference! The 3 Key Elements video was extremely helpful and contained tips that I had never really thought about! I can't wait to watch more videos!"

Debra G.
"I found Sarah's website, sort of by accident, but what a wonderful accident it was!! I have always wanted to learn brush calligraphy but never really took the time to do anything about it. Then, while scrolling through tik tok one day while my kids were napping, I saw the most mesmerizing letting ... I clicked the profile and have been on board since! I started with her free class and in the same night signed up for the beginner calligraphy! No regrets. She is amazing! Truly. And she actually responds to questions and comments!!!! I wasn't expecting that!"

Gayathri D.
"Firstly thank you for putting up such a course to help someone like me who's looking into picking up a new skill. I am a total beginner and always thought I'm not artistic. After viewing your videos and speaking to you, you've given me the confidence that I can master calligraphy as long as I do the work for it. Thank you for that!
I love how easy it is to comprehend what you say and follow your instructions. I like that the materials are not too pricey and within my budget. I also like the Facebook group initiative. It is encouraging to see the practice work of others. It also allows us to contact you directly which is great!"

Ritu B.
"Each module is short and concise, with plenty of great resources to help you with practising. The best thing is that you can take each step at your own pace, practising as much as you feel you need to, before moving along.
Sarah gives sage advice on materials, giving alternatives for beginners who may not be in a position to spend a lot of money as they learn.
I have tried online courses before and was always disappointed by the lack of personal feedback, but this is where Sarah and her course differs.
She responds with helpful comments when any questions are asked, of if you post a picture of your progress on her dedicated Facebook group.
All in all, I am delighted I took the chance and signed up. I am loving each learning aspect and can't wait to create pretty, wordy masterpieces of own!"